Monday, November 10, 2014

Red Queens and Increasing Returns

Red Queens and Increasing Returns

I decided to view the 1990 original version of the Total Recall movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. I was able to find the movie without using Netflix. I actually found the movie on Video Bash ( I pulled it up on my computer and was able to view it for free.

The current competition between DVD’s and video-on-demand is an example or Red Queen. According to Thornburg(2009), Red Queen is when two competing technologies share the same market. DVD’s still have an audience but the video-on-demand market has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time.

DVD’s rekindle the VHS but they will soon become obsolete in the near future like the need for CD’s are becoming at a fast pace. With the advancements of tablets and laptops, DVD’s will definitely have a hard time remaining relevant in the next wave of modern technology.

Laureate Education, Inc. (2009). Emerging and future technology: Increasing returns. Baltimore, MD: Author.